Often times developed neighborhoods of Sioux Falls have properties that sell off market. As our city continues to grow outward, the central location neighborhoods with older homes tend to be highly sought after. The neighborhood of Tuthill Park is certainly one of those neighborhoods and that is what happened with this home. I personally live in Tuthill and so we end up doing a lot of business in the area, and as previously mentioned, sometimes that is done before a property is listed. This was a home we were prepping for sale, going through the staging and design process, but we had a buyer we felt like would appreciate the home in its current state so we arranged the viewing and they ended up purchasing it. A great deal for both sides and certainly a load off of the seller’s minds to have an efficient and easy sale.
1808 E. Arrowhead Pass Sioux Falls, SD 57103
by Green Acre | Jan 30, 2016